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‘No Vaping’ Sign

By strategically placing VapeGuardian signs in areas where vaping has become a concern, you can effectively discourage individuals who previously engaged in vaping, thinking they could do so unnoticed. These signs act as a powerful deterrent, ensuring that those tempted to vape are fully aware of the consequences and the increased risk of detection.
  • $12.99 per sign
  • Clear and bold "No Vaping" message
  • Adhesive backing
  • 300mm x 200mm

Tamperproof Cage

In addition to VapeGuardian sensors many tamperproof features, this 'made-for-purpose' protective cage stops the sensor falling victim to physical damage.
  • $65 per cage
  • White coated stainless steel frame
  • 4 connection points
  • Fixings included
  • Made-to-measure for VapeGuardian sensors